Sweetie a scris:adi chicago a scris:
Ce intelegeti prin recuperare ?
Ca sa te lamuresti un pic .. asupra conceptului "recuperare" iti sugerez sa te uiti la
filmuletele lui Adi (un tetra nou)
. Sa vezi unde a ajuns prin foarte multa recuperare si Vointa. Nu prin medicamente si bere ....
Ca de obicei sarcastica si neinformata.Pentru cultura ta generala o leziune catalogata ASIA A Completa e ireversibila si nu ai ce recupera daca nu ai ce .Totul depinde de leziune nu de vointa si exercitii.
Spinal Cord Injury Levels & Classification
Wise Young, Ph.D., M.D.
W. M. Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience
Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
When people are injured, they are often told that they have an injury at a given spinal cord level and are given a qualifier indicating the severity of injury, i.e. "complete" or "incomplete". They may also be told that they are classified according to the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Classification, as a ASIA A, B, C, or D. They may also be told that they have a bony fracture or involvement of one or more spinal segments or vertebral levels. What most people do not know is doctors are frequently confused about the definition of spinal cord injury levels, the definition of complete and incomplete injury, and the classification of spinal cord injury. In the early 1990's, when I co-chaired the committee that helped define the currently accepted ASIA Classification, there was no single definition of level, completeness of injury, or classification. In this article, I will briefly address the issue of spinal cord injury levels, the definition of "complete" spinal cord injury, and the ASIA Classification approach towards spinal cord injury.
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